What Is My Home Worth In Columbia, SC

And Surrounding Areas

Free Home Analysis in Columbia, SC

Knowing what your home is worth is power.

free home analysis icon

Knowing the true value of your home gives you an edge when selling. At Fidelity Family Realty, we offer a Free Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to provide an accurate estimate of your home’s value based on the latest market trends and recent home sales in your specific neighborhood.

Our team, with years of expertise in the Greater Columbia area, delivers personalized insights tailored to your property, whether you're in a suburban neighborhood or a lakeside community. We compare your home directly to recently sold properties in your area, ensuring an "apples-to-apples" approach that reflects your unique market, not just general, nationwide data.

We go beyond just offering a home value estimate. Our expert agents calculate your potential net proceeds, showing you how much you could expect to make after essential costs like taxes and legal fees. If you’re selling a lakefront property, our knowledge of Lake Murray and surrounding lakes sets us apart, allowing us to offer a hands-on approach to pricing and maximizing your lake home’s potential.

Ready to take the next step in selling your home? Let Fidelity Family Realty provide you with a personalized, no-cost analysis. Let’s get started by filling out the form below.

Free Home Analysis Form

Areas We Serve

Fidelity Family Realty is proud to serve the Consolidated MLS area in Columbia, South Carolina, with a special focus on properties around the stunning Lake Murray. Our deep knowledge of the local market and commitment to the community allows us to offer unparalleled service to our clients.

Our Services

Find out what your home is worth so you can make the best financial decisions

A concierge style management system to meet the needs of any landlord

We make the process easy and cater it to fit your needs and situations.

Let us take the hassle out of home buying and make it an experience you will always remember.

Meet The Fidelity Family Realty Team

  • thomas franceschina

    Thomas Franceschina

    Owner / Broker-in-Charge

  • Tammy Franceschina Karn

    Tammy Franceschina Karn

    Real Estate Agent